Ultimate Guide to Test Your Knowlege

150 page phlebotomy study guide with practice test.

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Phlebotomy State Board Exam Prep

NAACLS approved phlebotomy practice test questions. 150-page digital phlebotomy study guide.

Test Your Knowledge

This is your opportunity to see how much you know about phlebotomy

Exam Content Outline

Use the Phlebotomy Study Guide as a road map for tracking all the exam topics you need to study.

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See if you’re ready for the real phlebotomy certification test with Phlebotomy Practice Test.

Phlebotomy Study Guide Advantages

Struggling to be a successful phlebotomy student? Don’t get discouraged, it isn’t magic! But it does require desire, dedication and a lot of work. If you want learn how to become a successful phlebotomy student, then you’ve come to the right place. Our phlebotomy study  guide for  phlebotomy students will provide you everything you need in order to learn how to learn more effectively.

Active listening, reading comprehension, note-taking, stress management, time management, testing taking, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed in our phlebotomy study guides for phlebotomy students. If you’ll take the time to learn and apply the phlebotomy study guide skills concepts and principles taught in our phlebotomy study guide, you’ll not only improve your performance in phlebotomy school but also your ability to learn in general — and that will benefit you the rest of your life! Whether you’re a beginner in phlebotomy industry looking to get ahead, a  phlebotomy teacher seeking a phlebotomy study guide resources for your pupils, or a seasoned phlebotomist just trying to refresh, you’ll find the phlebotomy study guide, tutorials, and resource you need right below.


THE PURPOSE OF PHLEBOTOMY STUDY GUIDE is to organize lecture notes and text book material so that you can increase your comprehension and memory of large amounts of information. Reviewing phlebotomy study guide with visuals is even more effective, as the visual organization helps you see related concepts and make meaningful connections with the material, thus acquiring the higher levels of learning expected by many of your professors.
Our phlebotomy study guide will help make studying for the Phlebotomy State Board Exam easier! We give you a summary of the information you need to know and help pinpoint the areas where it would be most beneficial to focus your attention. Whether you’re short on time or using our  phlebotomy study guide in tandem with our phlebotomy practice test, our phlebotomy study guide is an important tool to help ace the exam!

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Where can I purchase the National Phlebotomy Study Guide?

You can purchase the National Phlebotomy Study Guide and get more information about them right here.

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The phlebotomy study guide PDF will be emailed to you after registration. Also, you have an option to take the phlebotomy study guide course on our website via phone, tablet and computer 24/7. We believe the best way to better you phlebotomy skills and pass the national phlebotomy certificaiton exam is simply to practice, practice, practice!

Does the Phlebotomy Study Guide include Practice Exams?

Our phlebotomy study guide is the most comprehensive study guide for current and future certified phlebotomy technicians (CPT), which comes with 17 Phlebotomy Practice Tests covering all areas of phlebotomy from half of dozen NAACLS phlebotomy approved books.

how much is the phlebotomy study guide cost?

The phlebotomy certification study guide and practice exams cost a total of $19.95. 

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Similique sunt in culpa qui officia.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

What Can I Expect From Phlebotomy Study Guide?

Similar to how a State Board Exam is created, the phlebotomy assessment team reviews all possible phlebotomy exam questions and consults a subject matter expert to develop a list of key concepts encountered on all versions of the phlebotomy state exam. The resulting phlebotomy study guide includes a brief description of the exam structure and level of complexity; this means that your phlebotomy study guide will note if you need to explain concepts or compare and contrast ideas – generally how you need to apply your knowledge on the final phlebotomy test.

How Can I Get the Most Out Phlebotomy Study Guide?


Start by reading the description to formulate a big-picture idea of what your phlebotomy test will look like. Then, review the list of concepts. If you choose to print out the phlebotomy study guide or copy it into a word document, try putting the material in your own words so you feel comfortable answering questions or writing an essay about it. If you can do that, you should be well prepared for the exam. Most importantly, if you see something on the phlebotomy study guide that you aren’t familiar with, make sure to ask your phlebotomy instructor.

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This material is extremely high quality. I cannot stress enough how important studying the correct material is before taking the final exam. I can only speak for myself, but I found this material to be head and shoulders above the others I purchased while preparing for my exam. I have recommended it to many people in their program! Thank you SO MUCH for creating this material for phlebotomy students.

Chianna Winnipeg

The NPCE Phlebotomy Study Guide helped me immensely! The terms it covers alone was, in my opinion, worth the money. The Phlebotomy Study Guide covers every single aspect of what I needed to know for my exam. I felt incredibly prepared and confident, walking in knowing that I had studied the right material! I am so glad I found the content, and I highly recommend it to all student phlebotomist!

Karen Schmidt

This material has been a lifesaver! I have relied it on it countless times throughout my program. I cannot thank you guys enough for creating this consolidation of what phlebotomists need to know! I used it for exams during my program, and it always gave me a ton of confidence! I am genuinely grateful for it, and I have told all my friends in my program about this material!

Kendrick Thomas Jr.


You’ve finished your phlebotomy course (or some other phlebotomy training program) and now it’s time to prepare for your phlebotomy certification exam. You may have heard that the examination is challenging. Maybe you’re even a little worried about passing. Wouldn’t it be great if you could be totally confident when you walk in to take the test? With our help, you can!

Some of the topics, terms, and questions you can expect to know after completing Phlebotomy Study Guide:

a lipid panel should be drawn when?

when a patient is fasting in a SST tube

ABG (arterial blood gas)

A test, which analyzes arterial blood for oxygen, carbon dioxide and bicarbonate content in addition to blood pH.

Accession Number

Unique number given for each test request

airborne transmission


average time for fasting

10-12 hours

basal state

refers to fasting (nothing by mouth) & refrain from strenous exercise for 8-12 hours prior to blood draw.

Basilic Vein

The large vein on the inner side of the biceps often chosen for intravenous injections and blood drawing.

*close to a lot of nerves


never increase in number, only the amount of histamine being released increases in response to allergic reaction


The key element of battery is that the touching be unauthorized, not that it be intended to harm the person; lack of consent.


blood cultures

blood borne infection

an infection transmitted from blood to blood.

blood culture bottles contain?

SPS – Sodium Polyanethole Sulfonate

blood type AB+ (positive)

universal recipient

blood type O- (O negative)

universal donor

BTT stands for what?<br /> what is it used for?

Bleeding Time Test
used to evaluate primary stages of hemostasis. test usu done prior to surgery


a small needle with two plastic wings attached which are squeezed together to form a tab that is used to manipulate the needle. A long 6-12″ plastic tubing is attached which again offers better manipulation.

C-reactive protein (CRP)

a blood test marker for inflammation in the body.

use SST for serum
use lavander for plasma


culture & sensitivity


A convenient, ready-to-use, intermediate-level surface disinfectant that is effective against TB, HBV, HCV, viruses, bacteria and fungi.


Centers for disease control and prevention

CLIA Requirement for Waived Testing

all facilities in the U.S. that perform lab testing on human specimens for health assessment or the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of disease are regulated under CLIA


the clinical laboratory improvement amendments of 1988 federal regulatory standards that apply to all clinical laboratory testing performed on humans on the United States

coagulation phase of hemostasis is characterized by?

the temporary platelet plug is converted to a stable fibrin clot

collecting specimens in the incorrect order of draw can result in?

cross contamination

common test for light blue vacu

PT- prothrombin time
PTT – partial thromboplastin time

common test for tiger top (SST)

CMP- comprehensive metabolic panel
BMP- basic metabolic panel

common test which needs to be placed on ice

lactic acid

common use for red vacu tube

storage or back-up testing

dark green vacu common test


dark green vacutainer additive

sodium heparin

decontamination can be accomplished by using which liquids?

solution of sodium hypochlorite (bleach/clorox)

define C-reactive protein (CRP)

a blood test marker for inflammation in the body. It is produced in the liver and its level is measured by testing the blood.

– this protein is an acute phase reactant which means that its levels will RISE in response to inflammation

define creatinine clearance

a 24-hour urine and serum test that is both a blood and urine collection.

*specimens must be handled and stored (refrigerated) correctly

define Ethanol

another name for alcohol, also referred to as ETOH

define postprandial

after a meal

definition of POCT

point of care testing

Diurnal Variations

The measuring of a body’s ability to metabolize certain substances, monitoring changes in the patients condition within a 24-hour period

droplet transmission

sneezing, coughing


increase in allergies, skin & parasitic infection

active against antibody

fatality/accident inspection

occurs after OSHA receives notice from the employer of a workplace fatality or an accident resulting in the hospitalization of 3 or more employees


breakdown and removal of the clot


an inanimate object that transports microorganisms

for glucose testing requiring plasma which tube should be used?


for glucose testing requiring serum which tube should be used?

SST/Gold tube should be used


branch of medicine dealing with diseases, debilities and care of aged persons


a device that individuals with diabetes use to measure the amount of sugar in their blood stream


the end product of carbohydrate metabolism and is the chief source of energy for all living organisms

good samaritan law

this law deals with the rendering of first aid by health care professionals at the scene of an accident or sudden injury. it encourages health care professionals to provide medical care within their scope of training without fear of being sued for negligence.

gray vacu common test

OGTT- oral glucose tolerance test
lactic acid
blood alcohol

gray vacutainer additive

sodium fluoride

group A

has only A antigen
has B antibody in plasma

group AB

has both A & B antigen
NO A or B antibody

group B

has only the B antigen
has A antibody in plasma

group O

has no antigen present
both A & B antibody in plasma


what needle diameter is measured by.
the larger the needle, the smaller the guage

guaiac is a substance that used to coat the?

FOBT test cards
FOBT= fecal occult blood test


a localized collection of blood within tissues due to leakage from the wall of a blood vessel, producing a bluish discoloration (ecchymosis) and pain

AKA: bruise


blood in urine


a comprehensive point-of-care coagulation monitoring system.

note: This is not the industry standard and practitioners may use an alternative

hemoconcentration is caused by

leaving tourniquet on too long


a decrease in blood fluid content of the blood (plasma), resulting in an increase in concentration.
this is determined by an increase in hematocrit numbers.


the breaking of the red blood cells membrane releasing free hemoglobin into the circulating blood.


the arrest of bleeding, whether it be by :
– normal vasoconstriction
– by an abnormal obstruction
– by coagulation
– surgical means


the hemoglobin A1c test indicates the avg. level of blood sugar over a 2-3 month window. it is customarily drawn in a lavender tube


the tendency of an organism or a cell to regulate its internal conditions, usually by a system of feedback control, so as to stabilize health and functioning, regardless of the outside changing conditions.

how full should sharps container should be locked at?

2/3 full

how long should the tourniquet be kept on

only 1 min

how much should bleach be diluted to with water?

between 1:10 & 1:100

if non latex gloves can't be used due to allergies what is the alternative?

vinyl or nitrile

if you are cleaning up a spill of blood on chairs, lab tables or hard flooring, carefully pour the 10% soln of bleach over the blood for how long?

at least 10 mins

imminent danger inspection

occurs when OSHA receives a report that a condition of imminent danger exists at a workplace
*least common type of inspection

lavander/puprple vacutainer additive


lavander/purple vacu common test

CBC- complete blood count
ESR- Erthryocyte sedimentation rate

light blue top yields


light blue vacutainer additive

sodium citrate


numbers increase during a viral infection

median cubital vein

most commonly used for venipuncture procedures.
large & doesnt tend to move when needle is inserted

medical asepsis

the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms after they leave body.

mint green vacu common test

electrolyte panel
pregnancy test

mint green vacutainer additive

lithium herparin


increase in intracellular infections and tuberculosis
LARGEST white blood cell

most common nasocomial infection


most commonly occuring nosocomial infection for LAB employees

Hepatitis B


numbers increase in bacterial infection

never do the following in an area of likelihood exposure

1. eat
2. drink
3. smoke
4. apply cosmetics or lip balm
5. handle contact lenses

nosocomial infection

term used to define any infection contracted in a health care setting


the study and treatment of cancer

order of preference for vein selection

1. median cubital vein
2. cephalic vein
3. basilic vein

parenteral transmission

disease or infection transmitted other than by mouth
ex: needle stick, open wound, hangnail, eyes, etc.


highest chemical blood level


these are tiny red spots that appear on the skin from rupturing the capillaries due to the tourniquet being left on too long or too tight.


inflammation of a vein as a result of of repeated venipuncture on that vein

pink vacu common test

TSR- Type & screen ratio
cross match – Match blood type/Rh to donor for transfusion

pink vacutainer additive


platelet phase of hemostasis is characterized by?

platelets aggregate at the injured site forming a temporary platelet plug

primary stages of hemostasis

vascular phase & platelet phase

programmed inspection

an inspection conducted of randomly chosen workplaces determined to be engaged in particularly hazardous types of work according to their standard industry classification codes

Quality Assurance (QA)

a program that guarantees quality patient care by tracking the outcomes through scheduled audits in which areas of the hospital to look at the appropriateness, applicability, and timeliness of patient care

red vacutainer additive


royal blue vacu common test

lead poisoning

royal blue vacutainer (blue stripe) additive


royal blue vacutainer (RED STRIPE) additive


special considerations for semen collection

make sure semen specimen is not exposed to light or extreme temperatures
samples must reach laboratory in less than 30 MINUTES at as close to body temperature as possible

specimens drawn without stasis

lactic acid

specimens that require protection from light

vitamin B12



steps to take after exposure to potentially infectious material

1. wash exposed are with soap & running water
2. report exposure to supervisor ASAP
3. refer to an MSDS
4. fill out an exposure report form

sterile bottle additive

nutrient broth

light blue vacutainer additive

sodium citrate

red vacutainer additive


tiger top vacutainer/serum seprator tube additve


mint green vacutainer additive

lithium herparin

dark green vacutainer additive

salt heparin

lavander/puprple vacutainer additive


pink vacutainer additive


royal blue vacutainer (RED STRIPE) additive


royal blue vacutainer (blue stripe) additive


gray vacutainer additive

sodium fluoride

sterile bottle blue cap

aerobic (bacterial)

sterilized bottle gold cap

anaeorobic (bacterial)

sterile bottle pink cap

pediatric (bacterial)

sterilized bottle red cap

fungal culture


blood cultures


culture & level of sensitivity

common test for light blue vacu

PT- prothrombin time
PTT – partial thromboplastin time

common usage for red vacu tube

storage or back-up screening

common test for tiger top (SST)

CMP- detailed metabolic panel
BMP- fundamental metabolic panel

what does SST represent?

serum separator tube

mint green vacu common test

electrolyte panel
pregnancy test

dark green vacu typical test


lavander/purple vacu common test

CBC- total blood count
ESR- Erthryocyte sedimentation rate

pink vacu typical test

TSR- Type & screen ratio
cross match – Match blood type/Rh to donor for transfusion

gray vacu typical test

OGTT- oral glucose tolerance test
lactic acid
blood alcohol

royal blue vacu typical test

lead poisoning

tourniquet is tied around the arm where?

4-6″ above draw website

kind of alcohol used as antiseptic to clean skin

70% isopropyl alcohol

hemoconcentration is brought on by

leaving tourniquet on too long

for how long ought to the tourniquet be continued

just 1 minutes

definition of POCT

point of care testing

what is POCT

a diagnostic testing at or near the site of client care
ex: testing done at client’s bedside

if non latex gloves can't be utilized due to allergic reactions what is the option?

vinyl or nitrile

never ever do the following in an area of probability direct exposure

1. eat
2. drink
3. smoke
4. apply cosmetics or lip balm
5. manage contact lenses

how full should sharps container should be locked at?

2/3 complete

decontamination can be achieved by utilizing which liquids?

solution of salt hypochlorite (bleach/clorox).

how much should bleach be diluted to with water?

between 1:10 & 1:100

if you are cleaning up a spill of blood on chairs, lab tables or hard floor covering, carefully put the 10% soln of bleach over the blood for how long?

at least 10 minutes

actions to take after exposure to possibly contagious material

1. wash exposed are with soap & running water.
2. report direct exposure to manager ASAP.
3. describe an MSDS.
4. submit a direct exposure report form

the complaint assessment

occurs after an employee submits a protest with OSHA.
* most typical type of inspection

fatality/accident assessment

takes place after OSHA receives notice from the employer of a workplace casualty or an accident leading to the hospitalization of 3 or more workers

set inspection

an assessment conducted of arbitrarily selected offices figured out to be engaged in particularly harmful kinds of work according to their basic industry classification codes

impending threat evaluation

takes place when OSHA gets a report that a condition of impending risk exists at an office.
* least common kind of inspection

order of preference for vein selection

1. mean cubital vein.
2. cephalic vein.
3. basilic vein

median cubital vein

most commonly used for venipuncture treatments.
big & doesn’t tend to move when needle is inserted

light blue top yields


ABG (arterial blood gas)

A test, which analyzes arterial blood for oxygen, carbon dioxide and bicarbonate content in addition to blood pH.

Accession Number

Unique number provided for each test demand

Basilic Vein

The big vein on the inner side of the biceps typically chosen for intravenous injections and blood drawing.

* near to a great deal of nerves


The crucial element of battery is that the touching be unapproved, not that it be planned to damage the individual; lack of consent.

blood borne infection

an infection sent from blood to blood.


a little needle with 2 plastic wings attached which are squeezed together to form a tab that is utilized to manipulate the needle. A long 6-12″ plastic tubing is connected which once again uses better manipulation.


A practical, ready-to-use, intermediate-level surface disinfectant that works versus TB, HBV, HCV, infections, bacteria and fungis.


Centers for disease control and avoidance

what does C.Diff stand for?

clostridium Difficile

what does clostridium difficile

a germs that is found in all things. the bacteria inside of our bodies can be triggered by taking antibiotics, which then triggers colitis, an inflammation of the colon.


the medical lab enhancement amendments of 1988 federal regulatory requirements that apply to all scientific lab screening carried out on human beings on the United States

CLIA Requirement for Waived Evaluating

all centers in the U.S. that perform laboratory testing on human specimens for health evaluation or the diagnosis, avoidance, or treatment of illness are controlled under CLIA

what does CLSI stand for?

The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute

what does the CLSI do?

promotes the advancement and use of voluntary laboratory agreement standards and standards within the healthcare community.

define creatinine clearance

a 24-hour urine and serum test that is both a blood and urine collection.

* specimens must be handled and saved (cooled) correctly

specify C-reactive protein (CRP)

a blood test marker for swelling in the body. It is produced in the liver and its level is measured by testing the blood.

– this protein is an intense phase reactant which suggests that its levels will INCREASE in reaction to inflammation

what type of tubes can be utilized for drawing a CRP?

either a serum separator tube (SST) or lavander leading tube depending upon if serum or plasma is required for the test

Diurnal Variations

The measuring of a body’s capability to metabolize particular compounds, keeping an eye on modifications in the patients condition within a 24-hour duration

what does EDTA stand for?


what is EDTA?

a calcium binding agent that is used as an anticoagulant for lab blood specimens.

define Ethanol

another name for alcohol, likewise referred to as ETOH


an inanimate things that transports bacteria


what needle diameter is measured by.
the bigger the needle, the smaller sized the guage


branch of medicine handling diseases, debilities and care of aged individuals

great samaritan law

this law handles the making of emergency treatment by health care professionals at the scene of a mishap or sudden injury. it encourages healthcare experts to provide healthcare within their scope of training without worry of being sued for negligence.


completion item of carbohydrate metabolic process and is the primary source of energy for all living organisms


a gadget that people with diabetes usage to measure the quantity of sugar in their blood stream

what is Helicobacter pylori?

a typical type of germs that grows in the digestion system and has a tendency to attack the stomach lining.


a detailed point-of-care coagulation tracking system.

note: This is not the market standard and professionals may use an alternative


a localized collection of blood within tissues due to leak from the wall of a blood vessel, producing a bluish staining (ecchymosis) and pain.

AKA: bruise


blood in urine


a reduction in blood fluid content of the blood (plasma), resulting in a boost in concentration.
this is identified by an increase in hematocrit numbers.


the hemoglobin A1c test indicates the avg. level of blood sugar over a 2-3 month window. it is usually drawn in a lavender tube


the arrest of bleeding, whether it be by:.
– normal vasoconstriction.
– by an irregular blockage.
– by coagulation.
– surgical methods


the tendency of an organism or a cell to manage its internal conditions, generally by a system of feedback control, so regarding stabilize health and functioning, despite the outdoors changing conditions.


the breaking of the red cell membrane launching free hemoglobin into the flowing blood.

what does HIPAA mean?

Health and Portability and Responsibility Act

what does LIS represent?

laboratory details system

what does MSDS mean and what is it?

product safety information sheet.

a document which contains details on the prospective health impacts of exposure to chemicals, or other potentially harmful substances.

what does the N95 respirator mask block?

a minimum of 95% of extremely small (0.3 micron) test particles


the research study and treatment of cancer

what does O&P represent?

ova & parasite.

test is utilized to identify the presence of parasites in a stool sample and help identify infection in the digestion system

what does OSHA & what do they do?

the occupational security and health administration.

OSHA is a company of the United States government under the Department of Labor with the duty of ensuring safety at work and a healthful workplace.

what is OSHA's mission?

to avoid job-related injuries, health problems and deaths


these are tiny red areas that appear on the skin from rupturing the capillaries due to the tourniquet being left on too long or too tight.


swelling of a vein as a result of repeated venipuncture on that vein

Quality control (QA)

a program that ensures quality client care by tracking the results through scheduled audits in which areas of the hospital to look at the suitability, applicability, and timeliness of patient care

what does QNS mean?

Quality Not Sufficient.

* when drawing blood, you do not get enough blood for the lab to carry out tests or tests suggested on the appropriation

what does STAT stand for?


what is a Tourniquet?

in regards to venipuncture, a constrictive band place over an extremity to distend veins for the function of blood aspiration or intravenous injections.


a federally and worldwide signed up hallmark owned by BD (becton, Dickinson and company) that is used in connection with a total system of tubes, needles, needle holders sharps collectors & safety gadgets in blood collection.

what should be done to any tube utilized for obtaining a sample whether effective or not?

got rid of in the sharps container

average time for fasting

10-12 hours

specify postprandial

after a meal



vascular phase of hemostasis is identified by?

capillary restrict in response to injury

platelet phase of hemostasis is characterized by?

platelets aggregate at the injured website forming a temporary platelet plug

coagulation phase of hemostasis is identified by?

the short-lived platelet plug is converted to a steady fibrin embolisms

main phases of hemostasis

vascular phase & platelet phase

BTT means what?<br /> what is it utilized for?

Bleeding Time Test.
used to assess main stages of hemostasis. test usu done prior to surgical treatment

test used to evaulate extrinsic path

Prothrombin Time Test (PT/INR)

what does INR stand for

International stabilized ratio

test utilized to evaulate intrinsic path

PTT – partial thromboplastin Time


breakdown and elimination of the embolism

basal state

describes fasting (nothing by mouth) & avoid strenous exercise for 8-12 hours prior to blood draw.

a lipid panel should be drawn when?

when a client is fasting in a SST tube


least expensive chemical blood level


highest chemical blood level

trough levels are gathered the number of minutes prior to the arranged pharmaceutical dose?

30 minutes

what are cold agglutins?

antibodies produced in response to mycoplasma pneumonia infection (atypical pneumonia)

typical test which requires to be placed on ice

lactic acid

without a tourniquet

test drawn without tension?

lactic acid

specimens that require defense from light

vitamin B12

specimens drawn without tension

lactic acid

gathering specimens in the incorrect order of draw can result in?

cross contamination

blood culture bottles consist of?

SPS – Sodium Polyanethole Sulfonate

for glucose testing needing serum which tube should be used?

SST/Gold tube should be utilized

for glucose testing needing plasma which tube should be used?


what is culture and sensitivity utilized for?

to discover and determine bacteria and to identify the most effective antibiotic therapy

stool guaiac test searches for?

hidden (occult) blood in a stool sample

guaiac is a substance that used to coat the?

FOBT test cards.
FOBT= fecal occult blood test

unique factors to consider for semen collection

ensure semen specimen is not exposed to light or extreme temperatures.
samples must reach laboratory in less than 30 MINUTES at as near to body temperature as possible


numbers increase in bacterial infection


numbers increase throughout a viral infection


increase in intracellular infections and tuberculosis.
LARGEST white blood cell


increase in allergies, skin & parasitic infection.

active versus antibody


never increase in number, only the quantity of histamine being launched increases in action to allergy

group A

has only A antigen.
has B antibody in plasma

group B

has only the B antigen.
has A antibody in plasma

group AB

has both A & B antigen.
NO A or B antibody

group O

has no antigen present.
both A & B antibody in plasma

blood type O- (O unfavorable)

universal donor

blood type AB+ (positive)

universal recipient

nosocomial infection

term utilized to define any infection contracted in a health care setting

droplet transmission

sneezing, coughing

air-borne transmission


lorry transmission

doorknob, faucet, or public telephone

vector borne transmission

occurs when a pathogen is sent through an invertebrate such as an insect

parenteral transmission

disease or infection transferred other than by mouth.
ex: needle stick, open wound, hangnail, eyes, etc.

medical asepsis

the damage of pathogenic microbes after they leave body.

most common nasocomial infection


most typically taking place nosocomial infection for LABORATORY staff members

Liver disease B

C-reactive protein (CRP)

a blood test marker for swelling in the body.

use SST for serum.
use lavander for plasma.